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Be The Exception - Part 3/3

The foundational mindset of becoming a People Warrior.

There are dozens of synonyms for the word "warrior" - champion, fighter, soldier, and hero to name a few.

But there is only one antonym or opposite of a warrior - civilian. An ordinary, everyday, average joe. And there is nothing wrong with ordinary - ordinary is fine, ordinary is safe. But you can choose to be ordinary or you can choose to be a warrior.

People Warriors never settle for ordinary. Not in everything - that is perfection and that is not what we are striving for. People Warriors never settle for ordinary in the areas of their life that matter most.

If you missed the first two posts in this series, click here to start from the beginning where I introduce what it means to be the exception and the importance of it. In posts one and two, I introduced two leaders in my life that are the exception, each in their own way. If you haven't read the posts, click each of the names below to check them out. Below is a quick recap of why each leader is exceptional:

Some leaders grow to the top and then stay at the top, expecting people to come to them to connect. Chris never thought of himself at the top, and was intentional about connecting with and building relationships with the people who worked with him. He never made you feel like you were less. He treated you with equality, humanity and as a friend.

Chris is the exception.

Some leaders leave their personal values at the door of the office. Uncle Bobby is a successful leader because of his values and beliefs. Some leaders don't pursue or passively pursue the growth of others. Uncle Bobby relentlessly pursues the growth of himself and others.

Uncle Bobby is the exception.

But for the final post in this series, I want to remind you that you do not need to be a C-Suite executive to be the exception. Let me repeat that.

You do not need to be a C-Suite executive to be the exception!

Leadership is not a title or position, and you certainly do not need to reach any certain level of leadership before you can become exceptional. It doesn't matter who you are, what age you are, what job you have, what stage of life you are in - you can be the exception, become exceptional, and stand out in how you lead yourself and others in your company, school, community, family or circle of friends.

Here are some ideas for how you can be exceptional just like Chris and Uncle Bobby no matter what stage you are in your life:

Be Involved. Connect with People.

  • Next time you see someone you work with or take classes with but haven't met yet, introduce yourself. Strike up a brief conversation and then…wait for it…wait for it…remember what they told you! (great tip - write their name and whatever facts you learned about them in your phone that way you can lead with that the next time you see them).

  • Instead of eating lunch at your desk or by yourself (on your phone likely), go sit at a table with someone you don't know yet. This takes bravery - you can do it!

  • You notice someone who is always left behind when the team goes out for coffee or lunch - invite them next time.

  • Be the person who walks through the halls with your head up, saying "Hi" and smiling, rather than eyes down or looking at your phone. These are quick and easy opportunities to make connections.

  • Come up with a fun team event - like a charity walk or other fun outing. Take the lead in presenting the idea to your boss, help get everyone registered, get everyone excited to show up. And then of course….show up!

  • Create opportunities to connect with your team members, classmates or employees (if you are a manager) and learn about their life outside of work - their background, their history, their family, their passions, etc. Show them you care and be genuinely interested in them as individuals.

Lead with Humility

  • Create opportunities for others to contribute ideas and solutions in a safe and encouraging environment. As leaders, we may already have an idea or know what the solution is, but allowing other the chance to contribute will create confidence and collaboration with your team. And you may realize someone else has a better or more efficient idea than you!

  • Recognize, praise and leverage other people's strengths - "I am so glad you bring this to the table, we are a better team because of it."

  • The next time you get recognized or praised for a team project or assignment, immediately pass the credit to those that helped you.

  • Honor your commitments. If you say you will be there, be there. If something comes us, be honest about why and sincerely apologize.

  • Show others that it's ok to make mistakes by graciously owning up to your own, recognizing areas where you need to improve and apologizing whenever necessary.

Be a Values-First Leader

  • Take time to discover and define your core values. These are foundational beliefs that impact every aspect of how you live your life professionally and personally. You gotta first understand what they are before you can hold yourself accountable to them. Click Here for a great (and free!) online tool to help you discover your values.

  • Write down or print out your core values and place them somewhere you will frequently see (e.g., desk, mirror, window behind kitchen sink, etc.). Study them, memorize them.

  • Frequently ask yourself, "Does what I am about to do or say uphold these values?" They should become your compass for making right decisions and keeping you on the straight and narrow.

  • If you are assigned a project or asked to do something by a manager that you aren't comfortable with - don't do it. Trust your instincts. Thank them for including you and thinking of you but you may not be the right person for that task. In return, offer up something you can do that doesn't go against your values.

  • When your group of peers starts complaining or gossiping about work, or a manager, or an associate (again!) be the person who says , "Hey guys let's keep it positive today." Be a beacon of positivity!

Prioritize Your Personal Growth

  • Evaluate what and how much you are consuming every day (e.g., TV, social media, news, books, podcasts, etc.). Will what you are consuming grow you, or slow you? I am all for some great TV and sometimes we all need those moments to just unplug, just make sure you mix in a book, a podcast, watch a TedTalk or leadership influencers on Youtube, etc.

  • Create a reward system with yourself. Before turning on the TV or scrolling through TikTok or Instagram ask yourself, "How have I nourished myself today?" If you did something that day to grow yourself or work towards your growth plan then go for it! Plop down, stretch out and enjoy that next episode of Reacher!

  • When it comes to personal growth, don't spend too much time worrying about where to start. If you are a planner and like to have an organized written step-by-step process - you go for it! But sometimes kick starting personal growth is as simple as asking yourself "What do I want to learn about" or "What do I want to get better at?" then…..and I know this is profound….Google it! Or Youtube it! Find a book, article, podcast, or Youtube video on the subject. Starting somewhere is better than not starting at all.

  • Subscribe to a leadership blog! There is a brand new one called People Warriors you should check out…ok, shameless plug, I know…but seriously, if not People Warriors then some other leadership blog or podcast. Something where new content comes to you, hits your inbox. That way even when life gets in the way and your schedule is crazy busy you don't have to worry about finding those times in the day to scour the internet for a great topic or article.

  • Go to a leadership conference or live speaking event! Nothing beats the experience of being in a room surrounded by likeminded people, listening to a killer keynote speaker. Trust me, it's worth the investment!

Relentlessly Pursue the Growth of Others

  • Invest in the growth of others. This could be an employee, a fellow team member, a boss, a friend, a spouse, a parent, a sibling. If you don't already know, ask them "What's your growth plan?" "What do you want to get better at?" "What do you want to become?" and then most importantly ask, "How can I help?" If they will allow it, find ways to contribute to their growth, encourage them, check in, follow up, hold them accountable.

  • When you see or know that someone is nervous about a presentation, meeting or project - give them encouragement and offer your assistance. And after they are done - no matter how it went - tell them something they did great that stood out. This applies for your boss too - even bosses get nervous, need assistance and appreciate encouragement!

  • Managers - be super intentional about creating opportunities or opening doors when it comes to advancing or contributing to an employee's personal or career growth. Life is busy, work gets crazy, but do not let that be your excuse for not growing your people.

Many people are working from home these days or taking online classes so the opportunities for face to face connections is limited, but you can absolutely still create personal connections, lead with humility, and invest in the growth of yourself and others in a virtual environment. You can also take these principles to your community - when you are getting coffee, the grocery store, at a restaurant, or even when you are driving!



You don't have to be a manager to start being a leader. You don't have to wait to graduate college to start being a leader. You don't even have to have a job to start being a leader. You don't have to wait for formal training to start being a leader.

You can start today! Find small opportunities to be the exception in your personal life and work life. That is how you start to become a great leader. That is how you start to become a People Warrior.

Download this simple guide to map out where in your life you can start to be the exception and create an action plan for achieving it.

I'll leave you with these…

  • When others serve themselves, a warrior serves others. Be The Exception.

  • When others doubt, a warrior believes. Be The Exception.

  • When others fear failure, a warrior leans into it. Be The Exception.

  • When others cave to social pressures, a warrior stands firm in who they are. Be The Exception.

  • When others are quick to anger, a warrior remains calm and defaults to their training. Be The Exception.

  • When others scramble, a warrior has a strategy. Be The Exception.

  • When others wait for opportunity, a warrior creates opportunity. Be The Exception.

  • When others see a problem, a warrior sees potential. Be The Exception.

  • When others are bitter, a warrior is better. Be The Exception.

  • When others let life take control of them, a warriors takes control of their life. Be the Exception.

Connect with us on social media and share how you being the exception today! Make sure to tag @PeopleWarriors so we can share in your success!


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